Support Us


Please Support Us



Our long-term aim is to document and inform the general public about the positive changes happening to the human race since the birth of the internet. We recently started a new project called ‘The Truth about Our Bodies’ and we would like to open many more so that we can inspire others to see the truth about our reality and the day to day things around them. We hope to inspire others to look to improve the situation our species finds itself in on this planet.

We have self-funded everything we have done so far and apart from a couple of relatively unsuccessful crowd-funding projects we have not received a penny for our efforts. We need help to improve what we do and we ask for your support so that we can upgrade our equipment, our skills and dedicate more time to making our films first-class. This will allow us to compete with anything you see on TV, although without its bias, and hopefully awaken more and more people to the truth about our history, our society, our existence and those beings we share it with.

We can accept donations directly or alternatively we have set up an account on a crowd-funding website for our operation in general rather than any specific projects and we offer a variety of perks in exchange for financial support, so please click and take a moment to look at how you could help.



If you cannot pledge money then please support us by liking, following and subscribing to our relevant social media platforms and maybe we can get some money from companies and institutions who can afford it.


